Cub Scouts are for all aged 8 to 10½ and are organised as a Cub Pack. Cubs can join following a time in Beaver Scouts or directly into the Pack.
At Cubs we do games and activities based on the Outdoor, Skills and Adventure challenges, Personal and Our World challenges, Team leader and Teamwork challenges. Cubs can also work towards many activity badges.
Most Packs meet once a week. Activities arranged within Cambridge District as well as weekend events and enable Cubs to meet other Packs. Cub camps are a further opportunity to learn Cub Scout skills, move towards taking personal responsibility and grow in confidence. And of course, have fun.
Packs are organised into ‘Sixes’ with a cub ‘Sixer’ and ‘Second’ leading each six. All Cubs have the opportunity of being the leader of a ‘Six’, and all Cubs are asked to participate in discussions about what they would like to do. Cub Scouts move on to become Scouts, often within the same Group.