The 28th Cambridge Scout Group provides an active programme of indoor and outdoor activities for young people (boys and girls) between the ages of 6 and 14 from our newly rebuilt scout hut at the end of Flamsteed Road, off Rustat Road near Hills Road Bridge.

We are one of the larger and more active groups in the District and run a Beaver Colony, two Cub Packs and two Scout Groups on Monday and Tuesday evenings. We offer a wide and varied range of camping opportunities and our leaders have great fun exploring all of the adventurous stuff that scouting offers to our scouts, cubs and beavers, whether that is building rafts, riding lawn-mower go-karts, chariots or zip-wires on Summer Camp, bivouacking on a deserted island in the Lake District or soaking the Beaver leader in a water fight in her best Pirate costume.

Our annual Family Camp allows parents, siblings and even grannies to see and take part in what we do and as well as as our own camps we are regular attendees at District and National events such as Archery Camp, St George’s Day and District Camps.

28th Cambridge (St John’s) Sections

28th Cambridge Beaver Scouts
5pm – 6pm

28th Cambridge Cub Scouts
Mondays: 6.30pm – 7.45pm
or Tuesdays: 6.10pm – 7.30pm

28th Cambridge Scouts
Mondays: 8pm – 9.45pm
or Tuesdays: 7.30pm – 9.30pm

28th Cambridge (St John’s)
Scout Group Team

Geoff OliverGroup Scout Leader
Dave WoollardScout Leader
Jeremy RacherCub Scout Leader
Denise OwenBeaver Scout Leader

28th Cambridge (St John’s)
Social Media

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