Bringing everyone back together safely – starting to prepare.
“The Scouts”, working closely with the National Youth Agency government body, have published a framework document and related guidance to enable preparations for the safe return to face to face scouting.
Moving to Amber allows us to return in a phased way, by introducing outdoor activities in small groups, once appropriate safety measures have been taken into account.
- It’s not a race to restart.
- Keep your plans simple
- Open air activities only, nothing indoors
- You can team up with another Section
- Plan for a mix of outdoor and online programmes, in case of inclement weather, so all young people have the chance to join in.
- Your Risk assessment must be approved by District (County for District activities) before any face to face activities take place.
Submitting Risk Assessments
Full guidance on how you can re-start face-to-face can be found in Cambridge-District-Returning-to-Face-to-Face-Guide
Many thanks for all of the risk assessments submitted so far – the approvals team certainly have a busy few weeks ahead!
To submit your risk assessment to the District, you need to do the following:
1) Section leadership team decide they are ready to return to Face to Face
2) Section leader (and team) complete the Risk Assessment and Leader Checklist (click to download templates)
3) Section leader submits Risk Assessment and Leader Checklist to Group Scout Leader and Group Chair (or their designate) for approval (or DESC for Explorers)
4) Following Group/DESC approval, upload both Risk Assessment AND Leader Checklist via the portal ( for District Approval
(Approver Name = William Holliday, Approver Email =
5) District Approvers review and either Approve or recommend appropriate changes.
Please note that a leader checklist must be submitted for EVERY section, even if your risk assessment covers multiple sections. If you have multiple of the same section (eg 2 Cub Packs) – we require 1 leader checklist from EACH of those sections.
Please put useful details for approvers (e.g. if you know you have someone who is out of date with training, but will not be attending F2F) on the leader checklist to speed the approvals process along.